Thursday, March 12, 2020

21th century Classroom first entry

As teachers, we keep talking about the 21st century skills our students need to acquire. One day soon, I trust someone will come up with a new way to reference these skills that does not connect them to the century in which we live. We need to go beyond talking about these skills and move towards ensuring that our students actually possess them before they graduate. When the learners that we teach go out into the world, they will navigate a world that looks very different than the one in which we who are adults grew up. Today’s young people will be the makers of the future, and they will mould and shape it into something we can only imagine right now.
The problems that I have faced with 21st Century learning is about preparing teachers to actively engage students to use their learning and innovation skills through digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem solving. Students are grasping these skills through collaboration and inquiry-based learning using technology that will encourage children to learn. The purpose of using technology is to prepare students for what lies ahead after graduation in our technological driven society. Teachers are no longer the main source for information but only the filter. Teachers now are leading students to learn how to understand and validate the information that they are being bombarded on the internet with Facebook, Twitter, Skype, cell phones, You Tube, newspaper, television and so on. Students are encouraged to ask questions and then shown how to find the solutions to their queries by actively participating in activities that incorporate technology.

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